LCM Monthly Gathering Sponsored by Decora

LCM Monthly Gathering Sponsored by Decora

decora art and colour

Two weeks ago, Decora has sponsored the LCM (Lighthouse Club Macau) Monthly Gathering at the St Regis Pool Deck. In addition, we felt honored to sponsor such a lively networking event. Not only did the LCM Monthly Gathering include free-flow drinks but also bar snacks for attendees to enjoy. 

From 2005, the Lighthouse Club Macau has been proudly donating charity to the construction sector. The club is a non-political and philanthropic institution with two fundamental purposes:

  1. LCM encourages great camaraderie and collaboration amongst its members.
  2. LCM gives aid to construction workers experiencing hardships, along with giving aid to their dependents during a tragedy. 

Compared to most occupations in other sectors, vulnerability to accidents are inherent and greater in construction works. Although a worker’s insurance is accessible in when accidents occur, the settlement may be a lengthy process. During that time, the victims and their family may experience hardships, especially when death has occurred. The LCM Benevolent Fund helps alleviate hardships experienced by families and workers in the construction sector.

LCM gives opportunities for businesses in the sector to be acknowledged as advocates of safety. LCM also allows businesses to be a giver of aid to those personally affected by accidents. The club also gives networking opportunities through the numerous meets, parties, conferences, and assemblies it hosts for members to take part in all around the year. 

With social meets and conferences arranged all year round, LCM hosts monthly gatherings in a convenient hostelry, with most covering sponsored refreshments. 

The Lighthouse Club Benevolent Fund benefits from profits earned through every type of meets and conferences that LCM hosts. 

LCM has offices all over the Asia-Pacific including Hong Kong, Macau, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Myanmar, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh and Australia. There are other offices worldwide in The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, The Republic of Ireland as well as Dubai.

decora sponsored LCM monthly gathering decora A&C sponsors LCM monthly gathering director of decora art and colour speaking at LCM monthly gathering director of decora A&C st regis Matthew drake 


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